Should I Be Worried About This Crack? Spotting House Foundation Problems – Tallen Builders LLC : Tallen Builders LLC

As a business or homeowner, it’s a good idea to do routine checks of your property to make sure everything is in safe working order. Unfortunately, people tend to forget to do a proper inspection of the building’s foundation, and this can lead to serious damage.

As general contractors in Central Florida, we at Tallen Builders know the importance of a solid foundation. To help our readers keep their homes in great shape, we wanted to share these tips on how to spot house foundation problems.

Interior Warning Signs

Interior Warning Signs

Before even spotting a crack, there are some signs of a faulty foundation you may notice occurring inside your home. While it’s true that houses settle over time, and some minor problems may arise, there are certain issues that indicate much more serious foundation problems are taking place.

– Doors and windows beginning to jam or not properly close.
– Cracks that do not run along the drywall. (This means the crack is not straight up and down, but rather is at an angle. Pay special attention to where walls meet the ceiling and around doorways and windows.)
– Cracks in tile flooring that was laid over concrete.
– A sloping, uneven floor.

Exterior Signs of Damage

Exterior Warning Signs

If you have suspicions of a damaged foundation, it’s a good idea to walk around your home and look for some key signs on the outside.

– Place a level on the side of your walls. Ideally, they should go straight up and down. If you notice they are leaning, this could be a sign of a cracked foundation.
– Don’t forget to look up! Often times, the cracks that form due to foundation damage are located higher up on the house. Look around overhangs and tops of doors. If you have a second story pay special attention to the windows and area around the roof.
– Look for fascia board or trim that has pulled away from the sides of your home.

What Do These Signs Mean?

There are two main causes of foundation damage: either the soil underneath the foundation has swelled or it has compacted and sunken. Bulging soil is slightly less serious, as stabilizing strips can be added to the walls to help keep them from moving any further. Sunken soil is much more concerning, as the entire foundation will need to be lifted then re-stabilized in its new position. This is often done with the help of hydraulic pumps. Whatever you do, don’t try to fix the problem yourself! This is a job for professionals.

At Tallen Builders, we make sure all of our structures have a sound foundation. So for your next building project, be it residential or commercial, let us offer you some peace of mind. But for those who already have a home, we hope these tips help you catch the damage before it’s too late.

For all your building and remodeling concerns, feel free to give us a call or reach out to us on our contact form. We also love continuing the conversation on any of our social channels!

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